Reducing Stress Before Surgery

A frequent comment we hear from patients is “I’m nervous.” For many of our patients, oral surgery is their first sedation experience. Whether it is your first surgery or your fifth, nervousness is expected. The best way to tackle stress in terms of surgery is to arm yourself with information. More times than not, just knowing what to expect can tame those pre-surgery jitters.

With sedation cases, we ask that you have a reliable, designated driver so a great way to reduce stress is to make sure you have a person of support with you. If that means bringing another friend along with your designated driver, then bring your friend!

When you get to the office with your support crew, our front office staff will check you in and make sure Pre-Op instructions were followed. Once cleared for surgery, Dr. Murphy will touch base with both you and your responsible party before the procedure begins to answer any last-minute questions. Once the surgery is complete, Dr. Murphy will touch base with everyone one last time before you head home.

We know many patients get nervous for a variety of reasons, and we want to do what we can to help you feel relaxed. We utilize nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas, before the IV sedation process even starts. The patients that benefit the most from nitrous are the individuals that are excellent “deep breathers.” When a person is anxious and nervous, breathing can become rigid and shallow, which blocks the ability of nitrous oxide to work effectively. A great way to prepare for your surgery is to practice deep breathing techniques before the day of your procedure. Focus on deep, slow breaths and remember to practice holding your breath for a few seconds between each breath. This will help you fully experience the effects of laughing gas.

During office hours, we are staffed with knowledgeable team members that can answer your questions, and we have an after-hour/weekend number for emergency questions. The day of your procedure, we will guide you through the deep breathing process, explain the steps as we go if you desire and allow you to select your choice of music to help you create the environment you need. The morning of your procedure, replacing breakfast with a light exercise activity is a great way to expel pre-surgery jitters. Laughter is also a great way to release any nervous energy you are experiencing. Watch some funny videos that morning or embrace another creative outlet you find therapeutic.

Find comfort in the fact your safety is our primary concern. We are here for you before, during and after surgery. Your care doesn’t stop after the procedure. If you’ve been diagnosed with a condition that influences anxiety, rest assured Dr. Murphy and his staff will address your specific needs. Our goal is for you to have the best oral surgery experience possible. Don’t stress, we have you covered and are looking forward to working with you!

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