Colorado Winters and Keeping a Healthy Mouth

Here in Colorado, we enjoy playing in the snow, spending time indoors with our loved ones and enjoying winter in as many ways as we can! Some of these favorite activities can give us some unwanted mouth and lip woes that can occur from time to time. Here are a few tips that can help you keep a health mouth this season!

Chapped Lips…… Ask anyone who just spent a day on our beautiful Colorado slopes about their apres-ski ritual and chapped lips isn’t included in that list, right?! You don’t need to be a skier either to be exposed to these elements. Exposure to the sun, cold and wind can cause damage to the skin on your lips, so wearing a lip balm with SPF 15 and drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin can really help. Applying petroleum jelly is another way to lock in moisture.

Canker Sores…… We all love to indulge in extra treats when we’re with our family over the holidays and in winter months. Whether sipping on cider or enjoying spicy treats during the holidays, these treats and foods high in acid can cause canker sores. Try swishing with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt and half a cup of water to help clean the sores for faster healing.

Cold Sores…… Ughhh, who wants their picture taken with an unwanted cold sore?! Exposure to harsh winter sun can cause a cold sore. When battling this issue, the best winter tip is to ensure that the skin around your mouth is protected by using lip balm with SPF 15 or higher. Try to keep your hands clean and avoid touching the area which can spread the viral bacteria. Stress is also a cause of a breakout. Try taking work breaks and getting a good nights sleep to help reduce the blemishes over time.

Sensitivity……. Cold temperatures, aka our Colorado wind and our polar vortex, could leave your teeth feeling sore during our cold winter months. Brushing with a desensitizing tooth paste can keep this irritation suppressed all winter long.

Winter should be about celebrating with family, enjoying the time to keep warm by the fire, taking advantage of winter sports, and not worrying about dental health. I hope these tips help prevent any unwanted mouth and lip issues so you can enjoy this season!

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